Project Keep'em Off The Streets Incorporated
The beneficiary of our child sponsorship program is the individual child. We will work with each child on a unique and individual level so that his or her specific needs are addressed. We believe the results of this strategy change the life of one child, which helps us to transform an entire community or even a nation.
To volunteer is simple as reading this section, opportunities are always available
here at "PKOTS" All year round it's a meet and greet at every function to become a mentor, set up and brake down of events, serve food, chaperoning, greeting participants ect. with smiles while uniting youth families and communities with visions of living life loud and proud.
Here at "PKOTS" we understand support from other sources makes the bigger picture clearer. PKOTS being a nonprofit organization; serving our communities, we always take pride in our supporters.
Your donations will help us reach those that have at one point thought no one cared - and thanks to your unselfish approach and attention has changed so many lives -continue to be that advocate.